About Us

At The Designs Oasis, we are your one-stop shop for all production needs, offering a wide selection of lighting, video, audio, staging, and other AV gear available for rental and purchase. Our dedicated and approachable team is at your disposal 24/7 to provide support throughout the production process, from planning to logistics and management. We pride ourselves on our unwavering dedication to ensure your production runs smoothly, supplying the right gear to make the right impact on your show. With our commitment to being there every step of the way, we guarantee a dream production experience.

Meet the team

Luccas Oliveira

CEO & Co-Founder

Abbas Ritscher

CEO & Co-Founder

Daniele Hay

Vice President of Rentals and Sales

Dravindra Naidu

Chief Financial Officer

John Hollingshead

Rental and Sales Manager

Andreia Segatti

Rental and Sales Manager

Chad Birdsong

Warehouse Manager

Robert Birdsong

Warehouse Assistant Manager

Samuel Nascimento

Quality Control Manager

Kauã Segatti

LED Specialist & Rental Support

Omar Malpica

Account executive

With Every step you find us with you!

With Every step
you find us with you!

Support Services

Show Consultation

Planning and design

Package Sales

Package Rentals


Package Sales

Package Rentals

Tech Support

Shopping Basket